© 2019 Roland Vögtli.

Perception & Photography Workshop

Colour beyond form

Have you ever thought, in view of a photo: Where can you find such motifs? Would you like to expand your photographic skills and open up new worlds of images? Then this course is a magical and efficient way to do just that.


We see what we know and believe. In this course we expand our existing way of seeing things. We go on the traces of a personal "motive bell".

In this course the theme is "Colour beyond form". Let yourself be touched by colours, find colours where they were apparently not before... Detaching the color effect from the objects that carry the colors... Colour as a vehicle for emotional qualities...

We train our perception with background knowledge and above all with many exercises that concentrate on colour perception. The workshop teaches you easy-to-use instruments to work independently on your personal colour perception. Your pictures will then not only use color as an attribute of a surface, but also give the color its own weight.



  • Introduction to the methods of The Good Eye visual school. Observations on the subject of perception, mental image and transformation of mental images into a personal visual language. Applied image analysis as an instrument for reflection on (own and foreign) images and creative, simple and effective exercises for new perspectives.
  • Colours beyond form. Experience colours without being hindered by forms. Immerse yourself in an undreamt-of intensity of the moment.
  • Liberation from rigid concepts. To encounter the essence of things more freely. Learn how thinking concepts can hinder a primary experience and find ways to free us from it.
  • Opening the channels of perception. Using the example of the visual sense, we practice improving perception. We make direct experiences with the richness that banality and everyday life offer and implement this in our pictures.

We work on and enjoy the topic in an alternation of short introductions, guided exercises and free photography. Thanks to small groups we have enough time for personal exchange and individual questions. Discussion of the pictures as required.


2 days, 10:00 - 17:00/18:00


Photographers, writers, painters, sculptors, tax consultants, bricklayers... in short: all persons interested in perception.

Simple previous knowledge to operate your own camera is helpful but not important. You need a simple digital camera. The most important instrument is yourself.



Roland Vögtli
Blog  - Google+


No dates set at the moment. Signal me your interest - then I will inform you as soon as I have more information.


Bern, Schweiz.



SFr 320.- per person
Participation includes access to a virtual classroom for 6 months after the course for exchange after the course with direct contact with the teacher.



Punctum Saliens GmbH
Roland Vögtli
Hochfeldstrasse 113
3012 Bern


++41 (0)76 566 19 55


About me

Visionary, dreamer, therapist, coach, teacher, photographer, philosopher. Always a mixture of all that... My passion is to follow the simplicity that makes it easy for the viewer to be enchanted by the beauty of everyday objects.


Galleria Punctum Saliens

Roland Vögtli
Hochfeldstrasse 113
3012 Bern


A subdivision of the Punctum Saliens GmbH 

© 2019 Punctum Saliens GmbH.